Value & Reliability
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We earn trust and loyalty by delivering an exceptional gemstones investing experience with superior risk-control and consistent returns.
We serve over 2.01M individual and institutional clients globally. Our clients have assets of more than $373.8B and execute more than 1.92M trades per day.
Value & Reliability
The Ultimate Trading Tools
High Quality Investing Solutions
Invest globally in various gemstones such as diamonds, sapphire , emerald, and more from a single unified portfolio.
Lower commissions including no ticket charges, no minimums and no technology, software, platform or reporting fees.
Secure & encrypted trade execution platform with advanced security features and fast access to trading instruments.
We protect all of our clients from a negative account balance.
Your funds are securely held in segregated client accounts.
Additional insurance to protect you up to $1,000,000.
Seasoned advisors specially reserved to help you with investments advice, inquiries, and requests.